Sunday, August 3, 2008

Blogging! Blogging! Blogging!

So I decided that I would sit at the computer and blog for a while. I got a ton done!! Not all of it fit on one page so you will probably have to go back several pages to view all that I have done. Our family is going to St. George tomorrow. (Amy thinks that I am running away so that I won't have to help her back her house. They are getting ready to move. Dang, she figured me out!! Amy- you know I love you!) Therefore, I will not be able to check my computer for a week. So I am excited to read everyone's comments when I get back. (So leave some!!!) Have a good time viewing the blog!! (And leaving comments. I am trying to leave a hint!! I love to read peoples comments! :)


Jenny and Jared said...

So all of the sudden you are in Las Vegas! I can't believe it- last time we talked you were like "I think we might move to Vegas" and then poof you are gone!!! It sounds like you are enjoying it though and I am glad. I haven't read all of your posts yet, but I can't wait to see what you've been up to!

ande said...

Hi Ashby family!!!
I wondered how you were doing and now I see you are doing fantastic and doing it all! I miss you. I am a little lonely at church.

You all look fabulous!

I'll check in from time to time to see how you all are and to say hello.
I love you guys.

Kristen said...

I love reading your blog. All I have to say is your kids are very lucky to have you as a mom. It looks like you all are having so so much fun. I can't wait till my kids are a little bigger and we can do fun stuff like that.
I miss having you guys around, but it sounds like things are going really well for you.