We had a wonderful Christmas. I know that I am a little late but that is how I roll! (This is my homey post!) My mom and dad came to spend Christmas with us this year. Along with my brother Alex. So it was just like when we were children except with spouses and our own kids. OK so it really wasn't the same, but it was so much fun. With 15 people in one house for Christmas it makes for a lot of excitement! It took over 3 hours to open all the gifts. It was awesome. I am only posting a select few pictures. I know you all wanted to see everyone I took but I must simplify.
My family loves when I post picture of them. Amy, my mom, and me making candy. It was one of those years where none of the candy really turned out how it was suppose to. Mostly because they let a blond into the kitchen who still can't follow directions. (Me, not my mom. And I wonder why my kids can't seem to follow directions either.) But we laughed A LOT and made a lot of memories.
My bro with the kids. He is KING of Lego's. So now that my boys and Amy's are loving Lego's they always want to build with uncle Alex. (Uncle Alex, Matthew, Maxx, and cousin Sam in front.)
Every year my mom spends the most on her favorite child and buys him a Lego set. This one is HUGE. It is the Millennium Falcon from Star wars or something. He was way excited. The instruction manuals were like books. They were even spiral bound and all fancy looking. What's up with that! Crazy. Forget college with 3 boys I need to start a Lego fund.
Madi with most of her gifts. We haven't quite gotten ready for the day. But who wants to on Christmas anyway. The red marks on all the kids faces are kisses from Santa. He always kisses them on the cheek or the forehead. Santa did that to us as well when we were growing up. He left a few on David this year as well. David is very kissable. I think Santa might have the hots for my husband.
Matthew's Christmas. He loved the Spider man outfit. Of course he wanted the BAD Spider man. Only evil and darkness can prevail at this house. They are silly. He would not take this off. He wore it for days straight. Which is pretty grouse, but he must seriously have super powers because he won that fight. (OK I am a total pushover sometimes. It Christmas!)
Micah's Christmas. You see those big giant hulk hands. Times that by 5 boys wearing those. It is WAR! Plus the dads have to get in on it and beat someone down. They are worse than the kids.
Maxx's Christmas. There is a Thomas the Train Set under there somewhere. We found it super cheap at Walmart. It was set up for a couple day, got torn apart several times, missing pieces everyday, lots of tears, then shoved in a Rubbermaid to be forgotten. Don't you just love toys like that. It seemed like a good gift at the time.
Sam and Micah (lightening McQueen) They are best buddies. Micah got a welding set for Christmas and he is holding the torch. It vibrates when a button is pushed and so he welded his brothers all day long. He must constantly be annoying them are he just is not happy.
Matthew with one of his Lego sets put together. They all built Legos most of the day with Dad. It was cute- they would each get a turn with dad building one of their many Lego sets. (Thanks Grandma!) They had a great time. Matthew is by far my most into Lego's. He can spend hours just making creations. I get bored just looking at them. But I do enjoy vacuuming them up, picking them up, finding them in my socks, in the freezer (seriously!), in my pockets, in the fish tank, watching Sam and Micah flush them down the toilet, in the washer and dryer, and about everywhere else. You name it!
Our boys in their Under Roo's. David had to get these. He had them as a boy and it brought back memories. So we now allow them to run around in their underwear. But I am so thankful that they at least are wearing underwear. They love commando or just plain birthday suit. They are very confident boys. Lets hope they grow out of this one day. That might be wishful thinking.
We had such a fun Christmas. Madi got shafted on the pictures in this blog. I think she might on a lot of blogs. I need to work in that. I love each year and the memories it brings. To be reminded so much of our Savior and all that he does for us. It was so nice because this year, before we could go see what Santa brought, we had a moment where we remember our Savior, said what we were grateful for and we said our morning prayers. It was really nice. Plus all month long everyone in the house did "secret santa" for someone else. We would change names every week and it was nice to see everyone serve and how thoughtful they all were to each other. We did a bunch of other stuff as well, like I took 8 kids caroling by myself, (Not my brightest moment. I lost several thousands of pieces of hair on that adventure.) But we really took every opportunity to remember others and our Savior and that really made Christmas meaningful. I need to be better about doing more of this stuff throughout the year. Good Times!
Sounds like a wonderful Christmas! Glad your family could all be together.
awwwww the memories!!!
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