Monday, October 13, 2008

Boy Meets Bedpost!!

Maxx decided to fight a bedpost. Take a wild guess as to who won! He was goofing off in Braydins room and hit his eye on the bedpost. The pictures do not do it justice. That bump was huge. He could not even open his eye for a while it was so swollen. Then over the coarse of 2 weeks it continued to improve. I felt so bad for him. I was surprised it took so long to heal. It left a little scar and his eye is still a little bruised on the eyelid. I think that once it stopped hurting he thought the bruise was cool. He had to show everyone. However, this is not Maxx's first shiner, and I am sure it won't be his last.


FrankNApril said...

Ouch! Poor little guy!
Hope he doesn't do that again! OUCH!!! If u and your sister can come to my girl's night next week that would be fun! April

Jodi said...

Wow, I bet he thought it was really cool to see what color his eye would be everyday.

Amannda Ashby said...

That is no fun at all! I guess that is one way to learn to become a tough guy. I'm glad it didn't hurt for too long, and he could enjoy being a BOY!