Monday, February 15, 2010

What I Want to be when I Grow Up

As a mother when you have children you imagine that they will grow up to be doctors, lawyers, and good hard working citizens. Our are in training to be old lady cross dressers. A mothers wish come true!!! (He seriously wears this everyday!! Should I worry?)


FrankNApril said...

I love the laugh you just gave me.
Umm, he is crazy like his mama:)
Best of luck! April

jenorme said...

He is fabulous! I love how he even has his hand on his hip while posing. I wouldn't worry, but do save these for his Senior yearbook and for some ugly teenage blackmail. Thanks for the laugh!

Our Little Family said...

He could be a surfer!...? Just call the purse his man bag... the necklaces... hmm, well maybe surfers everywhere will start wearing them that way! LOL Such cute kids!

The Baker Family said...

Oh it's just fine!! My boys do the same thing!! Except, they are gay, I think...

Margetts Fam said...

So funny!!!!! I love it!

Kaydee said...

This is why I love your blog. It is always funny!